Comprehension of Informational Text
Develop comprehension skills by reading a variety of self-selected and assigned print and non-print informational texts, including electronic media
Read, use, and identify the characteristics of functional documents such as sets of directions, science investigations, atlases, posters, flyers, forms, instructional manuals, menus, pamphlets, rules, invitations, recipes, advertisements, other functional documents
Identify and use text features to facilitate understanding of informational texts
Use informational aids such as introductions and overviews, materials lists, timelines, captions, glossed words, labels, numbered steps, pronunciation key, transition words, boxed text
Use organizational aids such as titles, chapter titles, headings, subheadings, tables of contents, numbered steps, glossaries, indices, transition words
Comprehension of Literary Text
Use text features to facilitate understanding of literary texts
Identify and explain how informational aids such as introductions and overviews, materials lists, timelines, captions, glossed words, labels, numbered steps, bulleted lists, footnoted words, pronunciation keys, transition words, end notes, works cited, other information aids encountered in informational texts contribute to meaning