Maryland Standards Kindergarten ELA Activities
Printable Kindergarten English Language Arts Worksheets and Study Guides.
MD.1.0. General Reading Processes
1.A. Students will master the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words by the end of grade one.
1.A.1. Discriminate sounds and words
1.A.1.a. Identify whether isolated sounds are same or different
Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Vowel SoundsThe same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing. Vowels also change their sound based on where they're located in a word and what letters are around them. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 1.A.1.b. Identify initial and final sounds in a word
Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 1.A.2. Discriminate and produce rhyming words and alliteration
1.A.2.a. Repeat and produce rhyming words
Rhyming WordsRhyming words have the same vowel sound and the same ending sounds. Examples: hat - bat - cat. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1 Rhyming WordsRhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. A rhyme in the strict sense is also called a perfect rhyme. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Nursery RhymesChildren songs and poems: Hickory dickory dock, Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill. Matching the pictures and poems. Putting the rhymes in order. Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.A.2.b. Identify and repeat sentences that use alliteration
Rhyming WordsRhyming words have the same vowel sound and the same ending sounds. Examples: hat - bat - cat. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1 Rhyming WordsRhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. A rhyme in the strict sense is also called a perfect rhyme. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Nursery RhymesChildren songs and poems: Hickory dickory dock, Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill. Matching the pictures and poems. Putting the rhymes in order. Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.A.3. Blend sounds and syllables to form words
1.A.3.a. Orally blend syllables into a whole word, such as fun-ny=funny
Closed SyllablesA closed syllable is a vowel followed by a consonant. E.g.: car, hat, pig, it, dish. In closed syllables, the vowel usually says its short sound. Open syllables are open because they are not closed by a consonant. E.g.: no, me, hi. Read more...iWorksheets :1 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 1.A.3.b. Orally blend onset and rimes (word families) into a whole word, such as b-at=bat
Onsets & RimesOnset - the initial phonological unit of any word which contains the initial consonant or consonant blend (e.g. p in pet) and the term "rime" refers to the string of letters that follow, usually a vowel and final consonants (e.g. et in pet). Read more...iWorksheets :4 Word PartsMany words in the English language are made up of word parts called prefixes, roots, and suffixes. A basic word to which prefixes and suffixes are added is called a root word because it forms the basis of a new word. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Closed SyllablesA closed syllable is a vowel followed by a consonant. E.g.: car, hat, pig, it, dish. In closed syllables, the vowel usually says its short sound. Open syllables are open because they are not closed by a consonant. E.g.: no, me, hi. Read more...iWorksheets :1 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 1.A.3.c. Orally blend 2-3 phonemes into one syllable words, such as m-e=me; f-u-n=fun
Closed SyllablesA closed syllable is a vowel followed by a consonant. E.g.: car, hat, pig, it, dish. In closed syllables, the vowel usually says its short sound. Open syllables are open because they are not closed by a consonant. E.g.: no, me, hi. Read more...iWorksheets :1 1.A.4. Segment and manipulate sounds in spoken words and sentences
1.A.4.b. Clap syllables in a word
Counting SyllablesThe number of syllables in a word is decided by its number of vowel sounds. The Clap Method is the most common way to teach syllable counting. Say the word and Clap each time you hear A, E, I, O, or U as a separate sound. Read more...iWorksheets :7 Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Word PartsMany words in the English language are made up of word parts called prefixes, roots, and suffixes. A basic word to which prefixes and suffixes are added is called a root word because it forms the basis of a new word. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 1.A.4.c. Say syllables
Counting SyllablesThe number of syllables in a word is decided by its number of vowel sounds. The Clap Method is the most common way to teach syllable counting. Say the word and Clap each time you hear A, E, I, O, or U as a separate sound. Read more...iWorksheets :7 Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Word PartsMany words in the English language are made up of word parts called prefixes, roots, and suffixes. A basic word to which prefixes and suffixes are added is called a root word because it forms the basis of a new word. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 1.A.4.d. Identify the initial sound in a word
Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 1.A.4.e. Segment individual sounds in words
Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.B. Students will apply their knowledge of letter/sound relationships and word structure to decode unfamiliar words.
1.B.1. Identify letters and corresponding sounds
1.B.1.a. Identify in isolation all upper and lower case letters of the alphabet
The AlphabetFreeAn Alphabet is a set of symbols in a fixed order used to represent speech sounds of a language. The word 'Alphabet' comes from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet: alpha and beta. The English Alphabet consists of 26 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z Read more...iWorksheets :26 TraceStudents trace the path and follow the trails. These activities will have them building fine motor skills. Color letters to make the world more colorful :) Read more...iWorksheets :8 1.B.1.b. Identify letters matched to sounds
Vowel SoundsThe same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing. Vowels also change their sound based on where they're located in a word and what letters are around them. Read more...iWorksheets :3 1.B.1.c. Generate the sounds associated with individual letters and letter patterns, such as s-, st-, -at, -ack, -ed
Vowel SoundsThe same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing. Vowels also change their sound based on where they're located in a word and what letters are around them. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word PartsMany words in the English language are made up of word parts called prefixes, roots, and suffixes. A basic word to which prefixes and suffixes are added is called a root word because it forms the basis of a new word. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 Write the wordStudents trace the spelled words and then write them. Pattern practice worksheets also help children with developing their early problem solving skills, where they decide which item comes next. Read more...iWorksheets :3 1.B.2. Decode words in grade-level texts
1.B.2.a. Identify similarities and differences in letters and words
1.B.2.b. Blend letter sounds in one-syllable words (CVC)
Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Vowel SoundsThe same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing. Vowels also change their sound based on where they're located in a word and what letters are around them. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 Write the wordStudents trace the spelled words and then write them. Pattern practice worksheets also help children with developing their early problem solving skills, where they decide which item comes next. Read more...iWorksheets :3 1.C. Students will read orally with accuracy and expression at a rate that sounds like speech.
1.C.2. Read orally from familiar texts at an appropriate rate
1.C.2.c. Recognize some words by sight, such as student's first and last name, a, the, my, you, is, are
High Frequency Words IIWhat are High Frequency Words? These are words you need to know at sight. That means you read them without trying to sound them out. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 High Frequency Words IFreeHigh frequency words are the sight words you need to know as soon as you see them. Good readers do not need to sound them out. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1 High Frequency WordsHigh frequency words are the words that appear most frequently in printed materials. Some examples of high frequency words are: you, to, go, have. Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.D. Students will use a variety of strategies and opportunities to understand word meaning and to increase vocabulary.
1.D.1. Develop and apply vocabulary through exposure to a variety of texts
1.D.1.a. Acquire new vocabulary through listening to and reading a variety of texts on a daily basis
Mystery WordsMystery Vocabulary List. Motive: a reason for doing something. Magnifying glass: a lens that makes something seen through it appear larger than it actually is. Clue: something that helps a person to find something or to solve a mystery. Read more...iWorksheets :2 RebusA rebus is a puzzle device that combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters or words to depict words or phrases. The term 'rebus' comes from the Latin phrase 'non verbis, sed rebus', which means 'not by words, but by things.' Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.D.1.b. Discuss words and word meanings daily as they are encountered in texts, instruction, and conversation
Mystery WordsMystery Vocabulary List. Motive: a reason for doing something. Magnifying glass: a lens that makes something seen through it appear larger than it actually is. Clue: something that helps a person to find something or to solve a mystery. Read more...iWorksheets :2 RebusA rebus is a puzzle device that combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters or words to depict words or phrases. The term 'rebus' comes from the Latin phrase 'non verbis, sed rebus', which means 'not by words, but by things.' Read more...iWorksheets :2 Word FamiliesUse letters to build word families. Match the letters to the images, circle word family images. Teaching kids how to read and write word families increases their reading fluency by showing them spelling patterns in words. Instead of memorizing spellings and meanings of all words, children learn how to spot patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :40 1.D.1.e. Listen to and identify the meaning of content-specific vocabulary
RebusA rebus is a puzzle device that combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters or words to depict words or phrases. The term 'rebus' comes from the Latin phrase 'non verbis, sed rebus', which means 'not by words, but by things.' Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.D.2. Develop a conceptual understanding of new words
1.D.2.a. Use words to describe location, size, color, and shape
Mystery WordsMystery Vocabulary List. Motive: a reason for doing something. Magnifying glass: a lens that makes something seen through it appear larger than it actually is. Clue: something that helps a person to find something or to solve a mystery. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Word FamiliesUse letters to build word families. Match the letters to the images, circle word family images. Teaching kids how to read and write word families increases their reading fluency by showing them spelling patterns in words. Instead of memorizing spellings and meanings of all words, children learn how to spot patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :40 1.D.2.d. Identify and sort pictures of common words into basic categories, such as colors, numbers, seasons
Word FamiliesUse letters to build word families. Match the letters to the images, circle word family images. Teaching kids how to read and write word families increases their reading fluency by showing them spelling patterns in words. Instead of memorizing spellings and meanings of all words, children learn how to spot patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :40 1.E. Students will use a variety of strategies to understand what they read (construct meaning).
1.E.1. Demonstrate an understanding of concepts of print to determine how print is organized and read
1.E.1.c. Identify title, cover page, front and back of book, table of contents, page numbers, and describe what information is presented on the title and cover pages
Book SenseBook sense allows you the strength to concentrate, analyze, empathize, and imagine. Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.E.1.d. Track print from left to right and top to bottom
Word ChainsA word chain provides a structure which allows students to explore relationships among the words, and remember their meanings. E.g. cat -> cap -> cup. Word chaining is a literacy strategy that can dramatically increase your student's reading progress. Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.E.2. Use strategies to prepare for reading (before reading)
1.E.2.b. Make predictions by examining the title, cover, illustrations/photographs/text, and familiar author or topic
PredictionsA prediction is what you think will happen next. You do not just guess. You use clues in the picture to decide what will happen next. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1 1.E.3. Use strategies to make meaning from text (during reading)
1.E.3.b. Make, confirm, or adjust predictions
PredictionsA prediction is what you think will happen next. You do not just guess. You use clues in the picture to decide what will happen next. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1 1.E.4. Demonstrate understanding of text (after reading)
1.E.4.a. Recall and discuss information from text
Story RetellRetell means "tell it again." When you hear or read a story, you try to remember the important parts. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 Comparing Storiesdiscuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Compare the main characters. Evaluate Writing Styles. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Retelling StoriesMatching characters and stories. Identifying the main topic. Retelling the central idea and key details. Read more...iWorksheets :2 1.E.4.f. Retell a story using text as support
Retelling StoriesMatching characters and stories. Identifying the main topic. Retelling the central idea and key details. Read more...iWorksheets :2 MD.2.0. Comprehension of Informational Text
2.A.1. Develop comprehension skills by reading a variety of informational texts
2.A.1.b. Listen to and use functional documents by following simple oral or rebus directions
2.A.1.b.2. Recipes
Logical OrderWhat are Three-Step Directions? Three-step directions are actions you take to do a job. You follow them in three steps to do the job well. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 2.A.2. Identify and use text features to facilitate understanding of informational texts
RebusA rebus is a puzzle device that combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters or words to depict words or phrases. The term 'rebus' comes from the Latin phrase 'non verbis, sed rebus', which means 'not by words, but by things.' Read more...iWorksheets :2 2.A.2.a. Identify print features
2.A.2.a.4. Numbered steps
Logical OrderWhat are Three-Step Directions? Three-step directions are actions you take to do a job. You follow them in three steps to do the job well. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 RebusA rebus is a puzzle device that combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters or words to depict words or phrases. The term 'rebus' comes from the Latin phrase 'non verbis, sed rebus', which means 'not by words, but by things.' Read more...iWorksheets :2 2.A.2.c. Use informational aids
2.A.2.c.3. Numbered steps
Logical OrderWhat are Three-Step Directions? Three-step directions are actions you take to do a job. You follow them in three steps to do the job well. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 2.A.2.d. Identify organizational aids
2.A.2.d.3. Numbered steps
Logical OrderWhat are Three-Step Directions? Three-step directions are actions you take to do a job. You follow them in three steps to do the job well. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 2.A.4. Determine important ideas and messages in informational texts
2.A.4.b. Identify the main idea/text's message
Main IdeaA main idea is the most important part of a sentence or story. It tells you what it's all about. When you write or read, you keep the main idea in mind. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 Comparing Storiesdiscuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Compare the main characters. Evaluate Writing Styles. Read more...iWorksheets :2 2.A.4.c. Retell important facts from a text
Story RetellRetell means "tell it again." When you hear or read a story, you try to remember the important parts. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 Comparing Storiesdiscuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Compare the main characters. Evaluate Writing Styles. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Retelling StoriesMatching characters and stories. Identifying the main topic. Retelling the central idea and key details. Read more...iWorksheets :2 2.A.4.d. Identify how someone might use the text
Main IdeaA main idea is the most important part of a sentence or story. It tells you what it's all about. When you write or read, you keep the main idea in mind. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 Comparing Storiesdiscuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Compare the main characters. Evaluate Writing Styles. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Retelling StoriesMatching characters and stories. Identifying the main topic. Retelling the central idea and key details. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Story PartsFreeUse these worksheets to help your students to identify the basic parts of stories including main idea, solution, conflict, setting, characters. Read more...iWorksheets :2 MD.3.0. Comprehension of Literary Text
3.A.1. Develop comprehension skills by listening to and reading a variety of self-selected and assigned literary texts
3.A.1.b. Listen to and discuss a variety of different types of fictional literary text, such as stories, poems, nursery rhymes, realistic fiction, fairy tales, and fantasy
Rhyming WordsRhyming words have the same vowel sound and the same ending sounds. Examples: hat - bat - cat. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1 Rhyming WordsRhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. A rhyme in the strict sense is also called a perfect rhyme. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Nursery RhymesChildren songs and poems: Hickory dickory dock, Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill. Matching the pictures and poems. Putting the rhymes in order. Read more...iWorksheets :2 3.A.3. Use elements of narrative texts to facilitate understanding
3.A.3.a. Identify the beginning, middle, and end of a story, including the problem, and solution
Story PartsFreeUse these worksheets to help your students to identify the basic parts of stories including main idea, solution, conflict, setting, characters. Read more...iWorksheets :2 3.A.3.b. Identify the characters, sequence of events, and setting of a story
SettingsWhat are Settings? Settings are places.
<br>Schools, homes, a zoo, a street, a town or city are all settings.
<br>Try this!
Find a setting:
a] girl
b] horse
c] house
d] mouse Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 Comparing Storiesdiscuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Compare the main characters. Evaluate Writing Styles. Read more...iWorksheets :2 3.A.4. Use elements of poetry to facilitate understanding
3.A.4.a. Identify rhyme, rhythm, and repetition in poems read to them
Rhyming WordsRhyming words have the same vowel sound and the same ending sounds. Examples: hat - bat - cat. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1 Rhyming WordsRhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. A rhyme in the strict sense is also called a perfect rhyme. Read more...iWorksheets :3 3.A.4.b. Retell the events of the poem
Story RetellRetell means "tell it again." When you hear or read a story, you try to remember the important parts. Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 Comparing Storiesdiscuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Compare the main characters. Evaluate Writing Styles. Read more...iWorksheets :2 3.A.5. Use elements of drama to facilitate understanding
3.A.5.a. Identify the characters, dialogue, and scenery of a play read to them
SettingsWhat are Settings? Settings are places.
<br>Schools, homes, a zoo, a street, a town or city are all settings.
<br>Try this!
Find a setting:
a] girl
b] horse
c] house
d] mouse Read more...iWorksheets :3Study Guides :1 Comparing Storiesdiscuss the plot, which is what happens in each story. Compare the main characters. Evaluate Writing Styles. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Story PartsFreeUse these worksheets to help your students to identify the basic parts of stories including main idea, solution, conflict, setting, characters. Read more...iWorksheets :2 MD.4.0. Writing
4.A.2. Compose oral, written, and visual presentations that express personal ideas and inform
4.A.2.e. Dictate, draw, or write a response to text, such as response logs and journals
Writing ReadinessPre-writing skills contribute to the kid's ability to draw, color and use a pencil. Activities to build writing readiness skills are tracing, coloring, stacking blocks, matching, puzzling, drawing, cutting with scissors. Read more...iWorksheets :14 MD.5.0. Controlling Language
5.A.1. Use grammar concepts and skills that strengthen oral language
5.A.1.a. Use complete sentences in conversation and to respond to questions
Complete SentencesA complete sentence is a group of words in speaking order. The words tell a complete idea. They tell the whole idea. A complete sentence tells who or what the idea is about. It also tells what happens. Read more...iWorksheets :18Study Guides :1 Simple SentencesA simple sentence is made up of a single independent clause, e.g.: Do you play football? One more example: The bus was late. A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought. Read more...iWorksheets :5 5.B.1. Comprehend and apply standard English in oral language
5.B.1.c. Use sentences with noun/pronoun agreement
PronounsWhat is a Pronoun? A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. E.g. I, you we, it, they, someone. Read more...iWorksheets :6Study Guides :1 Simple SentencesA simple sentence is made up of a single independent clause, e.g.: Do you play football? One more example: The bus was late. A simple sentence contains only one independent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb and can stand alone as a complete thought. Read more...iWorksheets :5 5.C.2. Comprehend and use basic punctuation and capitalization in written language
5.C.2.b. Use capital letters for first letters of names and beginning sentences
Capital LettersCapitalization Worksheets - kindergarten worksheets covering the use of capital letters. Capital letters worksheets for home learning, online practice, distance learning. Worksheets for when to use capital letters: first letter of a sentence, proper nouns, ... Read more...iWorksheets :4 5.D.1. Apply conventional spelling in written language
5.D.1.a. Spell first and last name correctly
SpellingFreeSpelling: forming words with the correct letters in the correct order. Spelling three or four letter words. Read more...iWorksheets :96Study Guides :1 Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Vowel SoundsThe same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing. Vowels also change their sound based on where they're located in a word and what letters are around them. Read more...iWorksheets :3 5.D.1.b. Spell a few high frequency words correctly
SpellingFreeSpelling: forming words with the correct letters in the correct order. Spelling three or four letter words. Read more...iWorksheets :96Study Guides :1 Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Vowel SoundsThe same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing. Vowels also change their sound based on where they're located in a word and what letters are around them. Read more...iWorksheets :3 5.D.1.c. Use letters to represent phonemes in words
SpellingFreeSpelling: forming words with the correct letters in the correct order. Spelling three or four letter words. Read more...iWorksheets :96Study Guides :1 Phoneme SegmentationSegmenting is hearing and identifying the individual sounds in a spoken word. Phoneme segmentation is the ability to break words down into individual sounds. It's essential in developing reading and spelling skills. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Vowel SoundsThe same vowel sound is often represented by different vowel letters in writing. Vowels also change their sound based on where they're located in a word and what letters are around them. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word PartsMany words in the English language are made up of word parts called prefixes, roots, and suffixes. A basic word to which prefixes and suffixes are added is called a root word because it forms the basis of a new word. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Word StudyWord study is an approach to spelling instructions. Word study addresses the following three components: spelling, phonics and vocabulary. Word study helps our students in better reading, spelling and writing. Learning word patterns means that students needn't learn to spell every single word. Rhymes can help children learn to spell quickly because of their predictable word patterns. Read more...iWorksheets :10 Write the wordStudents trace the spelled words and then write them. Pattern practice worksheets also help children with developing their early problem solving skills, where they decide which item comes next. Read more...iWorksheets :3 MD.6.0. Listening
6.A.2. Comprehend and analyze what is heard
6.A.2.b. Identify rhythms and patterns of language, including rhyme and repetition
Rhyming WordsRhyming words have the same vowel sound and the same ending sounds. Examples: hat - bat - cat. Read more...iWorksheets :4Study Guides :1 Rhyming WordsRhyme scheme is the pattern of rhyme that comes at the end of each verse or line in poetry. A rhyme in the strict sense is also called a perfect rhyme. Read more...iWorksheets :3 Nursery RhymesChildren songs and poems: Hickory dickory dock, Humpty Dumpty, Jack and Jill. Matching the pictures and poems. Putting the rhymes in order. Read more...iWorksheets :2 Standards
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