Percents are a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. The word "percent" means "per hundred." We use percents to compare and represent proportions of a whole. For example, if 30 out of 100 students in a class are girls, we can say that 30% of the class is female.
It's important to be able to convert between percents, decimals, and fractions. Here are the basic conversions:
To calculate a percentage of a number, you can use the formula:
Percentage = (Part / Whole) × 100
For example, if you want to find 20% of 150, you would use the formula:
20% of 150 = (20/100) × 150 = 0.20 × 150 = 30
Percents are used in many real-life situations, such as calculating discounts, interest rates, and proportions. It's important to understand how to use percents in different contexts to solve problems and make informed decisions.
To master the topic of percents, it's important to practice converting between percents, decimals, and fractions. You should also work on calculating percentages of numbers and solving word problems involving percentages. Here are some key concepts to focus on:
By practicing these skills and concepts, you'll develop a strong understanding of percents and be able to apply them to various mathematical and real-world situations.